SEPS about Sustainability for European Primary Schools – SEPS is a child friendly project about sustainability for European primary schools and EPIE is an European project for Primary schools about Inclusive Education.
This bulletin brings messages for all our partner school pupils, parents and teachers.
Dear students and colleagues from the schools who are interested and who already participate in our project on inclusion and sustainability.
New Documents.
For this school year/project year there are new documents in the so called learning agreements.
We, the accriditated schools already were used to use this document for job shadowing.
Now you have to use them for almost every mobility. So for our pupils’ exchanges you must use it too. Info at your agency.
You have to fill in your project code, Accompanying persons and contacts, timetable, Description of activities and learning outcomes, participant list, the signatories of the sending and the host organisation.
The certificates of attendance are not necessary anymore, but because it was so nice for the pupils to receive this document that I suggest to continue with these papers and to give them to the children at the last day of their visit.
These documents must be filled in by the visiting school before they travel. This makes it easier for the host school, so that they do not have to fill them in during the visit to the host school.
Sunflowers project.
Many sunflowers grew at many schools. Thanks for all the pictures that are made. Because we could not choose the best one we will try to put some of them on the website later.
Website Seps.
Some schools will not take part in our partnership for several reasons. Eva Hola from Czech Republic will be asked to take them off our site.
Diana and I we ask everyone to look at the site if the text and the pictures are up to date. If is not up to date, you are asked to send the new text as a word document end separate the pictures in JPEG to Diana Brouwer and me.
That is also the matter of the information about visits, jobshadowing, lessons and projects of your school. It can be useful for your dissemination of your school at the end of your participation!.
“New” partners are also asked to give the text about your school and separated a nice JPEG picture of your school.
Wishing you success in this new scholastic year.
Diana Brouwer, Director of de Plantage in Houten and Anton Verwey (Coordinator of de Plantage).
As usual, stay safe and keep in touch, Anton Verwey.
Questions or remarks do not hesitate and contact Anton Verwey.
+31613698777 Whats App, call or mail